Pupil Leaders

GIFT Chaplaincy Team

The role of the GIFT Team is to serve and support the Catholic Life of the School so that we live as witnesses to Jesus Christ.

The GIFT team is a team of children who support the faith journey of all members of the school and parish community. It stands for Growing in Faith Together. The children have been selected for their particular commitment to Catholic Life and Mission.


  • Give joyful witness of Christ in our school.
  • Provide support for staff in the delivery of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils across the curriculum.
  • Assist with the delivery and development of the prayer life of the school by supporting and delivering assemblies, class prayer times and prayer groups.
  • Develop outreach work and supporting local, national and international charities e.g. Caritas, CAFOD; working for change and being the change makers.
  • Be ambassadors for the school in school, in the parish and in other schools

'I am the vine; you are the branches.'

GIFT Team Action Plan


What are Peacemakers responsible for at Holy Family?

  • Being an ambassador for Holy Family
  • Help to resolve conflict in the playground using their Restorative Training
  • Supporting children to solve disagreements during lunchtimes and playtimes using restorative questioning
  • Peacemakers have good listening skills and are always ready to help

 What is the job of a Peacemaker?

  • Playing with a difference 
  • To set an example of good manners
  • To make sure no one feels left out 
  • To support the adults at playtimes
  • To help children play safely
  • To teach younger children new games
  • To encourage children to join in new games and to have fun

'Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.'

Peacemaker Action Plan

Laudato Si'

‘Laudato Si’, the second encyclical of Pope Francis, invites us to protect God's creation for future generations. It asks us to embrace lifestyle changes for our own good as well as to take care of people who are poor and are more vulnerable. Pope Francis calls for all people of the world to take swift and unified global action. 

Why do we have a Laudato Si' group?


-To ensure our school is eco-friendly and to prepare children to live with reflection of the environment

-To make sure all children have a voice to raise an issue

-To discuss and raise issues related to the environment

It deals with many environmental issues including:

  • pollution
  • climate change
  • water
  • loss of biodiversity
  • decline in the quality of human life.

Pope Francis implores us to work together to create a better world for future generations and asks us to make the necessary changes in our lives in order to take care of, respect and value our ‘common home’.

'Let us protect with love all that God has given us!'

Laudato Si Action Plan

Caritas Ambassadors 

What does Caritas stand for?

Caritas may refer to: The Latin term for charity, one of the three theological virtues. Inspired by Catholic faith, Caritas is the helping hand of the Church – reaching out to the poor, vulnerable and excluded, regardless of race or religion, to build a world based on justice and fraternal love.

The responsibilities of a Caritas Ambassador is:

  • To promote and develop social action projects within the school, parish and local community.
  • By demonstrating “faith in action” we can raise awareness of Caritas within the Salford Diocese.
  • Integrate the seven big themes into our school and local community.
  • Dignity of the Human Person.
  • Family and Community.
  • Solidarity of the common good.
  • Rights and Responsibilities.
  • Option for the Poor and Vulnerable.
  • The Dignity of Work.
  • Stewardship – Care for God’s Creation. 

'Love is the only thing that can fill hearts and bring people together. GOD IS LOVE.'

Caritas Action Plan

School Council

The role of our School Council is a very important role and it comes with a lot of responsibility. These children are role models and ambassadors for our wonderful school.

The School Council takes an active role within our school, raising issues and sharing the ideas of their fellow students to their School Council Leader, Mrs Tickle. They have planned meetings with Mrs Tickle and they are responsible for reporting back to their class.

Our school council acts as a voice for all children in the school. We aim to improve our school by sharing ideas and raising issues to reach a democratic solution. We aim to contribute to decisions within the school for the benefit of all pupils and staff. 

We have also spoken to all children across school about what extra-curricular clubs they would like to do. We have lots of clubs to offer during lunch and after school that are very well attended. 

These pupils help to ensure that Holy Family is a loving, kind, safe and happy environment for all pupils to 'Grow and Learn in the Footsteps of Jesus'. 

“The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.”

School Council Action Plan


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