Step into History at Holy Family...

“A people without knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”

–Marcus Garvey

What does History look like at Holy Family?

At Holy Family, our history curriculum is designed to cultivate knowledgeable learners, confident communicators, and engaged citizens. Its primary aim is to broaden children’s horizons while fostering essential skills and knowledge that are integral to both the study of history and active participation in society and the world at large.

The curriculum places key skills and knowledge at its centre and adheres faithfully to the objectives and content outlined in the National Curriculum for each key stage. Our curriculum establishes a coherent progression model, facilitating the layering of new knowledge and skills upon well-established foundations, with ongoing recaps to reinforce learning.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), children engage with the ‘Understanding the World’ aspect of the EYFS framework. They explore ideas like ‘then’ and ‘now’, which are progressively built upon as they advance to Key Stage 2 (KS2). They also establish connections between their own family characteristics and those of their peers. They delve into their personal life stories and explore their family histories, forging links between familiar situations from the past, enlivened through storytelling.

In Key Stage 1 (KS1), children begin exploring various historical periods, commencing with changes within living memory and employing the language associated with the passage of time. At KS2, the curriculum adopts a broadly chronological approach, encompassing local, British, and global themes.

Over their academic journey, children amass critical skills such as formulating questions, utilising evidence to answer these queries, and deriving conclusions from both primary and secondary sources. They will also gain insight into how historians interpret and debate the past. The skills required for effective group discussion, formal debate, and presentational speaking are explicitly taught as part of our history curriculum. Additionally, targeted vocabulary instruction is integrated within the curriculum delivery and meticulously planned. Our teachers maintain high expectations for all pupils, requiring them to actively contribute during lessons. To maintain a curriculum that remains current, relevant, and inspiring, we enrich learning through a variety of educational trips.

Please find our History Curriculums by pressing the buttons below.

Reception / 1 Year 1 / 2 Year 3 / 4 Year 4 / 5 Year 5 / 6 National Curriculum
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